[MontelLUG] Forkbomb in bash

cesco webmonster a apf.it
Sab 8 Nov 2008 00:00:32 CET

Sono incappato per caso in questa  simpatica linea bash, che se eseguita
vi  pianta la  macchina,  quindi se  la volete  lanciare  fatelo su  una
macchina virtuale o chiudete prima tutto il possibile (:

:(){ :|:& };:

Ecco la spiegazione del geroglifico...

   :() defines a  function named : with  no arguments. { :|:&  } is what
   the function  does. :|: calls itself  twice (with a pipe  between the
   two),  and the  & at  the end  runs  it in  the background  as a  new
   process. The  ; finishes off that  command, then the last  : runs the
   function, starting the fork bomb (as each run starts 2 new processes,
   each of which starts 2 new processes...).
    /\             \     
    \_| ciao ciao, |      I don't want to achieve immortality through my
      |   cesco    |      work, I want to achieve it through not dying.
      |   _________|_                                     -- Woody Allen

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